
New Arrival : S7t Limited Edition

S7t Limited Edition

Now, just 2 years removed from the launch of the S7t and all the derivative S-Series models, the engineering team of PERLISTEN has taken another step forward in sonic performance.

We’ve revisited all of what makes the S7 great, applied what we have learned, and have pushed the state of the art just that much ­further ­forward. We have updated the ­woofers to ­increase linear excursion, lowered inductance and increased low frequency capability. The DPC-Array, while maintaining the existing drive units and pattern control, we’ve coupled all 3 transducers to a massive aluminum heatsink that takes power handling and reduced thermal compression to all new levels. Even the crossover has been ­up­dated. Now all of the components are hand sorted to 1% tolerances. Final part values and pair matching to 0.5dB will be performed at our USA head­quarters by our CEO, Dan Roemer. Each speaker will be ­measured ­using our Klippel nearfield scanner. The measurement data of each unit will be provided to the proud owner. The final step will be signing, ­certifying, and serializing each speaker. Truly a work of art like none other.

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S7t Limited Edition

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